Provide feedback on the faculty technology guide
Take a quick (just 5 questions) survey on IU's quick start guide to tech resources for those in an instructional role. We'd like to know how you use the guide, and if there are ways we can make it more useful to you.
NameCoach is a tool for recording your name, so others can learn how to pronounce it. You can now add your gender pronoun when you record your name, using a drop-down box to make your selection.
Keep Teaching website now live
The home page features an online version of the Keep Teaching Dice game. The Resources section explains how to find, import, and use Keep Teaching modules. The Help page links to technical and pedagogical help.
New Pressbook: A Canvas semester checklist
From getting started with to wrapping up the semester, the resource provides overviews and instructions for common tasks instructors need to complete in Canvas. For more like this, explore the growing IU Pressbooks catalog.
Every month you'll receive "recipes" for evidence-based learning activities to try with your students, as well as materials to make it happen. Subscriptions are basically no-cost invitations to experiment with your teaching and have a little fun along the way.
IU dedicates Big Red 200, the fastest supercomputer in the state
How fast is Big Red 200? It would take everyone in the state of Indiana more than 28 years—performing one calculation per second 24/7/365—to perform the same number of calculations that Big Red 200 can do in just one second.
January 26: CEW&T Summit proposals due
IU students, faculty, staff, alumnae, employers, and community members are invited to propose sessions that provide opportunities to learn about and engage with the use of technology across a broad spectrum of majors and academic fields.
February 2: IU eTexts ordering window opens
With savings up to 90% off retail, select your course materials (eTexts, online homework tools, simulations, open educational resources) from 35+ publishers and over 100,000 titles.
March 2: Teach, Play, Learn proposals due
TPL is seeking presentations on real-life usage, empirical studies, and/or theoretical discussions of game-based teaching and learning. We are particularly interested in interactive workshops on best practices for teaching with games.