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LT list messages include featured learning technologies and pilots, news and updates on various apps and tools, and upcoming events and opportunities.
Teaching.IU connects instructors to university-wide resources and communities of educators across IU. The site gathers and curates a wide range of teaching resources, available to all instructors.
Check-in with your campus teaching and learning center
The centers provide consultations on IU pedagogical and instructional technologies. They're also the best-connected when it comes to knowing what's going on across campus.

- IU East: February 4, 12:30-2:30pm, Hayes Hall room 142
- IU South Bend: February 5, 11am-2pm, location TBD
- IU Northwest: February 6, 11am-2pm, location TBD
- IUPUC: February 12, 10am-12pm, location TBD
- IU Southeast: February 28, 10am-1pm, third floor of library
- IU Kokomo: TBD
- IUPUI: March 3, 1-3pm, location TBD
- IU Bloomington: March 6, 11am-2pm, Wells Library room W138

8:30am – 3:30pm
University Tower, IUPUI
For more details, visit the EC Moore website.

Hine Hall, IUPUI
Registration and program details will be available on the Plater Institute website in January 2020.