Teaching Online Essentials series
Online Essentials webinars provide core information about putting courses online and are at the heart of the Teaching Online Preparation Series.
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Teaching is different now, but we're here to support you along the way. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives and how we communicate with and connect to our students.
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The centers provide consultations on IU pedagogical and instructional technologies. They're also the best-connected when it comes to knowing what's going on across campus.
Online Essentials webinars provide core information about putting courses online and are at the heart of the Teaching Online Preparation Series.
Learn more and explore specialty webinars at https://citl.indiana.edu/fall2020/index.html#tops
A three-part workshop series to assist IU faculty and staff with working towards making all areas of the university inclusive and equitable spaces.
For more, including the Inclusive Campus Environment Toolkit, visit diversity.iu.edu.
Webinars to help you prepare for your individual file migration and using your new file storage service.
Ready to unpack after the big move? Where are your boxes and how can you see what's in them? Plus share the contents? Watch this recording after your individual files have been migrated to your OneDrive account from Box at IU to learn how to find, organize, edit, and share your files.
Ready to unpack after the big move? Where are your boxes and how can you see what's in them? Plus share the contents? Watch this recording after your individual files have been moved to your My Drive account from Box at IU to learn how to find, organize, edit, and share your files on My Drive.
Join the Center of Excellence for Women & Technology and the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research for our annual talk.
September 24, noon–1 p.m. ET
Hear from Barbara Simons, board chair of Verified Voting, a member of the Board of Advisors of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (appointed by Sen. Reid and reappointed by Sen. Schumer), and the co-author of the book, "Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote Count?." She has been a leader in technology policy issues for more than 40 years and co-authored numerous reports and studies on how to improve our voting systems.
For more details, visit https://events.iu.edu/cewit/view/event/event_id/133716
Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) Indiana hosts timely talks from colleagues from around the state.
Impacting Inclusivity: How a certificate changed a campus
September 28, 12:30–1:30 p.m. ET
Elizabeth Osika & Mona Kheiry, Marian University
The data showed there were issues. A change was needed. But how do you get everyone to understand their role in building an inclusive community? To get people talking about uncomfortable issues? At Marian University, this was accomplished through an idea at a lunchroom table and a stack of certificates. This session will explain how this simple concept grew to something which is changing the entire campus culture.
More details at https://events.iu.edu/iukctla/view/event/event_id/108634
October 26, 12:30–1:30 p.m. ET
Christian Rogers, IUPUI
Learner experience design (LX) is a method of pedagogical development that takes into consideration the student at each step of the process. I will be presenting an overview of the method as well as discuss a recent workshop where faculty utilized the first steps of LX to interview students, develop empathy maps, and reframe an assignment in their course.
More details at https://events.iu.edu/iukctla/view/event/event_id/108635
This is an official publication of Indiana University and is produced by UITS Learning Technologies (LT). Subscription is automatic for IU instructors of record and members of the extended LT team. Please email comments and questions to ReachLT@iu.edu.
Visit the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center, the Digital Gardner Initiative, IU eTexts, the Mosaic Initiative, Teaching.IU, XRI, ACI Fellows, and the IU Knowledge Base—not to mention your campus teaching and learning center—for more on topics related to this issue.