Meaningful student introduction videos in VoiceThread
Introduction videos and surrounding activities can set an open and inclusive tone for your class at the start of the semester. If you plan on using VoiceThread for other elements of your course, consider having students introduce themselves in VoiceThread by explaining 2-3 images about themselves. Your prompt can go deeper than the traditional "name and major." For example, "Show and explain two or three images that reflect important aspects of yourself," or "Show and explain two or three images that reflect why you are in the field of x."
- Canvas Assignments
- VoiceThread
- Create a Canvas Assignment, and set the assignment and due date.
- Select External Tool as the Submission Type and select Find. Select VoiceThread from the list and Save the assignment.
- When Voice Thread loads, select Assignment Builder and choose Create.
- Select the Options you want for this assignment (see "Step 2: Choose options" in Create a VoiceThread (Assignment Type) for option descriptions).
- Enter the Assignment instructions on the Finalize tab and Publish in VoiceThread (example below).
- Publish the Assignment in Canvas.
Example instructions: Create a VoiceThread of 2-3 images that you think represent this course's subject. Use the VoiceThread comment feature to record video or audio of yourself explaining the images (no more than 1 minute total). See Create a VoiceThread for technical instructions.
- Canvas: Canvas Instructor Guide - Assignments
- Voice Thread (instructors): Add VoiceThread to a Canvas assignment
- Voice Thread (instructors): Create a VoiceThread (Assignment Type)
- VoiceThread (students): Create a VoiceThread